Monday, May 3, 2010


I had to relearn how to get into my blog. Thanks Cara for your help!
Now on to other sweet granddaughter won an award for this piece of artwork she completed in her art class at school. The assignment was to use various types of texture to add depth and interest to the piece. Her artwork was picked out of her entire first grade class. While we were certainly excited for her, what was even better was the fact she clapped for all of the other winners. Priceless!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

So Proud

I am so proud of my mom, who is always willing to try something new and different! 

Kate's Comment for Today

As Cara is helping me to set up this blog, Kate came up to her and asked what she was doing. Cara explained she was helping Grandma start a blog. Kate replied, "That's funny. I thought everyone had a blog."